Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? Here's a self-test for you:
If you are unsure whether you are a Highly Sensitive Person, the following tick list has been developed as a self-help tool to help you...

What careers / roles are HSPs most drawn to?
Career choices & roles most suited to HSPs.

HSPs & Intuition.
Every human being gets gut instincts about things. It's called Intuition. It's our internal GPS system. It is programmed to guide us...

HSPs & Electromagnetic sensitivity
Our world is being bombarded with electromagnetic frequencies. Some EMFs are natural, such as visible light and the earth’s own magnetic...

The Inner Critic.
Everyone has one, right? That harsh inner voice that criticizes, judges or berates you. The one that gives you a hard time or says you...

Podcast with Janey Lee Grace for her 'Sober Club' about Highly Sensitive People.
Check out the podcast with Janey Lee Grace talking about Highly Sensitive People and drinking. We discuss how some HSPs turn to alcohol...

HSPs & Deep Memory Process -the ten main patterns/themes in Regression Therapy.
During the last ten years I have noticed certain ‘themes’ developing with HSP clients who have come for regression therapy. They have...

Tips for managing overarousal over the festive season.
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person, you will understand why the festive season can lead to overarousal in our sensitive nervous...

Regression Therapy - A Deeper Understanding.
From my professional training in Deep Memory Process/ Regression Therapy with the late Jungian Psychotherapist Dr Roger Woolger, I have...

Are you like a sponge? Discover the importance of energy protection.
We all tend to protect what’s important to us. We take out insurance policies on things like our homes, cars, income and health. We also...