Holistic Services
I offer the following holistic services below, which combine my knowledge as a spiritual teacher and as a qualified psychotherapeutic counsellor, spiritual healer and holistic therapist. My healing and therapeutic sessions also include the trainings and knowledge acquired as part of my continuous professional development (CPD) - including studying extensively under the late Jungian psychotherapist Dr Roger Woolger in past life regression therapy (Deep Memory Process) and in ancestral healing. I have also undertaken shamanic practices and studies as part of my transpersonal counselling training and studied life coaching and relationship coaching courses. I am also a psychic intuitive and channel.
I use all my skills and natural abilities to offer bespoke, individualised sessions.
I work predominantly with highly sensitive people and empaths, and particularly women who want to unlock and reclaim their feminine power, innate wisdom and intuitive abilities or those who want to reconnect to sacred femininity for a more caring, compassionate and sacred world.
(For further details of my professional trainings please see About me page.)
Healing & Coaching Sessions
I offer a limited number of 1:1 sessions every month to new clients. These sessions blend together all the therapeutic, transpersonal and spiritual/energy healing modalities that I have trained in to help empower and activate self-healing in my clients. I also support/coach the client with their personal and spiritual development to help facilitate the inner work required for self-transformation and/or to make any any changes in their lives.
To book a 1:1 session in person or online , please email me on contact@melcollins.co.uk
(Please note: these sessions are not suitable for people who are currently going/gone through trauma and/or abuse, or are going through a mental health crisis. It is recommended that you seek counselling support or EMDR therapy instead through your own GP or via the BACP and EMDR websites below if based in the UK.)
https://www.bacp.co.uk (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy) https://emdrassociation.org.uk (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Therapy)
* Please note I am not taking on any new counselling clients for the foreseeable future.
A list of HSP therapists/counsellors can be found on Dr Elaine Aron's website.
https://hsperson.com/therapists/seeking-an-hsp-knowledgeable-therapist/ (I cannot give any personal or professional recommendations about any of the therapists listed.)